
沈辉,特聘研究员,博士生导师,致力于利用生化与分子学、细胞生物学及生物信息学等多学科方法,研究RNA修饰和液-液相分离过程在基因表达调控中的功能及机制。在RNA修饰方面研究了不同种类RNA上的不同化学修饰的功能及不同修饰之间的协同功能;在相分离方面的研究揭示了性别差异的一种可能机制。201711月毕业于中国科学技术大学,并获理学博士学位。20182月起,在美国宾夕法尼亚大学从事博士后研究工作,并于2023年加入中国药科大学生命科学与技术学院。近年来以一作/共一作Molecular CellPNASGenes & DevelopmentACS CatalysisJournal of Biological Chemistry等国际知名学术期刊发表多篇论文。


RNA enzymology





1. Gonskikh Y*, Stoute J*, Shen H*, Budinich K, Pingul B, Schultz K, Marmorstein R, Shi JW, Liu KF. Identification of an RNA-binding region in 18S dimethyladenosine methyltransferase DIMT1 essential for proliferation of acute myeloid leukemia cells. Genes & Dev (2023) 37(7-8):321-335.

2. Shen H*, Yanas A*, Owens MC, Zhang C, Fritsch C, Fare CM, Copley KE, Shorter J, Goldman YE, Liu KF. Sexually dimorphic RNA helicases DDX3X and DDX3Y differentially regulate RNA metabolism through phase separation. Mol Cell (2022) 82:1-16.

3. Shen H, Gonskikh Y, Stoute J, Liu KF. Human DIMT1 generates N26,6A-dimethylation-containing small RNAs. J Biol Chem (2021) 297(4):101146.

4. Shen H*, Ontiveros RJ*, Owens MC, Liu MY, Ghanty U, Kohli RM, Liu KF. TET-mediated 5-methylcytosine oxidation in tRNA promotes translation. J Biol Chem (2021) 296:100087.

5. Shen H, Stoute J, Liu KF. Structural and catalytic roles of the human 18S rRNA methyltransferases DIMT1 in ribosome assembly and translation. J Biol Chem (2020) 295(34):12058-12070.

6. Ontiveros RJ*, Shen H*, Stoute J, Yanas A, Cui YX, Zhang YY, Liu KF. Coordination of mRNA and tRNA methylations by TRMT10A. Proc Natl Acad Sci (2020) 117(14):7782-7791.

7. Yu SH*, Shen H*, Cheng YY, Zhu YY, Li X#, Mu WM#. Structural and functional basis of difructose anhydride III hydrolase, which sequentially converts inulin using the same catalytic residue. ACS Catal (2018) 8(11):10683-10697.

8. Shen H*, Zhu YW*, Wang CY, Yan H, Teng MK, Li X. Structural and histone binding ability characterization of the ARB2 domain of a histone deacetylase Hda1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Sci Rep (2016) 6:33905. 

9. Shen H*, Wang H*, Liu Q, Teng MK, Li X. Structural insights into RNA recognition properties of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 3 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. IUBMB Life (2014) 66(9):631-638.

10. Shen H, Liu HH, Wang H, Teng MK, Li X. Preliminary crystallographic analysis of RraB from Escherichia coli. Acta Crystallogr. F (2013) 69:1268-1271.